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Service Award
(Ad-hoc Committee)


Executive Committee Representatives: Assistant State Director


Purpose:  To honor and recognize, through the IIRSA Service Award and other means, IIRSA members for outstanding achievements and contributions to the Illinois Intramural Recreational Sports Association (to be done on a bi-annual basis, on every odd year).



  1. Solicit candidates for the IIRSA Service Award from current IIRSA members.

  2. Review qualifications of the candidates and make final selection of the award recipient.

  3. Previous Service Award winner to serve on committee and present current award winner at the next IIRSA State Workshop.

  4. Identify and review criteria for which the award is presented and make recommendations for revision if necessary.

  5. Provide material to Student State Rep about the Service Award winner for submission into the IIRSA Newsletter.

  6. Identify and recommend other awards/recognitions that can be presented to deserving IIRSA members.  Prepare recommendations to the State Director.


Committee Chair(s): James Koeppe, University of Illinois Springfield


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